Mental Health Resources

Mental health consultation from
 a professional

Mental health can be a difficult topic to address, as patients often struggle with complex situations or experience difficulty in discussing mental health concerns. However, supporting psychosocial wellbeing is highly important and not something that occurs in one, but over the span of the patient’s stay in skilled care. Interventions designed to support mental health are an essential piece of a holistic, client-centered care. Occupational therapy practitioners are essential members of the care team who are capable of addressing mental health across the continuum of care.

Questions? Email Me or connect with me on LinkedIn!

Sydney Marshman, OTD, OTR/L


Mental health Resources

The PHQ-9 is a nine item questionnaire to regarding depression symptoms. This questionnaire can be utilized as a self assessment or provided verbally by the clinician. It's available free online.

The PHQ-9 is available to download in multiple languages. Find the PDF and instructions for the assessment here:

PHQ-9 Calculators can be accessed through MDCalc and MDApp.

The GAD-7 is a seven item questionnaire to regarding anxiety symptoms. This questionnaire can be utilized as a self assessment or provided verbally by the clinician. It's available free online.

The GAD-7 is available to download in multiple languages. Find the PDF and instructions for the assessment here:

PHQ-9 Calculators can be accessed through MDCalc and MDApp.

The DASS is a set of three self-report scales designed to measure the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress. The DASS was constructed not merely as another set of scales to measure conventionally defined emotional states, but to further the process of defining, understanding, and measuring the ubiquitous and clinically significant emotional states usually described as depression, anxiety and stress.

Lovibond, S.H. & Lovibond, P.F. (1995).  Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. (2nd. Ed.)  Sydney: Psychology Foundation.

Download the PDF here:

MDApp here for DASS-21

This tool is available for free with appropriate citations.

The Geriatric Depression Scale was created to monitor depression symptoms in older adults. It's available free online.

Download the PDF:

MDApp Here:

Scoring Citation: The use of Rating Depression Series in the Elderly, in Poon (ed.): Clinical Memory Assessment of Older Adults, American Psychological Association, 1986

Take advantage of two free worksheets to incorporate into your interventions! 

Daily Brain Dump

Wellness Chart Worksheet

Free educational handouts to describe the role of OT, assist in goal setting, tracking progress, energy conservation, and mental health for older adults.

Occupational Therapy Role

Goal Setting

Tracking Progress

Energy Conservation

Emotional Wellness & Aging

DISCLAIMER: All content found at was created for general informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified medical professional with any questions. Each person’s medical and occupational therapy needs are unique. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen online.